Smart City

Smart City

Between all-electric autonomous shuttles, e-scooters, a world-class solar roadway to the largest EV charging hub in the Metro Atlanta region, the leading smart city is a leading force in implementing solutions that help build a greener, cleaner future for its residents, the region and beyond.

Simply put, the city of Peachtree Corners – with its Curiosity Lab at the center – is unlike any other smart city environment on Earth.

  • Live 5G wireless environment. Next-generation connectivity is provided to companies testing IoT/smart technologies, completely free of charge. T-Mobile (formerly Sprint) first deployed 5G in April of 2019, and there are embedded subject matter and partnership experts on hand to work directly with developers in awakening next-generation use cases.
  • The City Government is the only governmental agency that a company/enterprise needs to deal with when deploying/testing/developing IoT technologies. Officials move fast, much like a startup, as the regional government is all-in when it comes to developing smart city ecosystems/technologies. Peachtree Corners owns the city street, owns the city infrastructure, etc. No other permissions are needed.
  • No charge for use of the smart city ecosystem. The city government’s objectives revolve around economic activity and larger economic development.
  • Peachtree Corners does not require intellectual property rights when companies invent, develop, etc. technologies there.
  • Respect of proprietary data (IoT and otherwise) that’s created/generated at the lab (stored within the central IoT control room where data is collected and analyzed). No companies worry about their proprietary data being used or discovered by the public or competitors. Completely protected by the city.
  • The ultimate in security: Curiosity Lab has achieved NIST certification at the highest level of cybersecurity available. The United States Secret Service and some of the world’s most innovative cybersecurity companies are developing and testing technologies aimed at protecting smart city ecosystems of the future.

Installed Smart City Technology Deployed within Curiosity Lab:

  • Beep AV+EV shuttles
  • Ouster Lidar
  • Bosch Cameras
  • 5G Traffic Signals
  • Intelligent Street Lights
  • The Ray Solar Roadway
  • Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk signals
  • T-Mobile 5G
  • Dedicated Fiber Optic System to Power IoT
  • Dedicated Short-Range Communications
  • Video Surveillance
  • IoT Control Room
Cars demonstrating V2X technology, a cell tower with T-Mobile logo, and an image showing vehicle to network technology.